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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Praying in Tongues / A Tropical Reality Check

One of the benefits of being a fully bilingual minister is that you get invited to officiate at destination weddings. This is quite a privilege (for me) for many reasons. Couples, now-a-days, are bypassing the whole legal, spiritual and ceremonial part of being married. When a couple DOES choose to take that step and invites a minister to make it offical, it means that they somewhere deep down believe its not just a "legal thing" (a justice of the peace could do the same thing). I am also honored to be standing in a place of importance to a family that is far from their home church and pastor. I also feel so humbled to be part of such an important and beautiful day for two families that come from distant places to our beautiful Island of Enchantment (I feel I represent God's kingdom and our Island-quite an honor). However, destination weddings can be tricky. Dealing with local vendors, details and issues far away from home,the people and stores you know and in a whole different language (which you don't speak) can be overwhelming. We "islanders" don't realize it, but we have a whole different way of doing things from many people who come from big cities or small towns in the "States". Our "don't worry", "mañana¨and ¨it will be ok¨ offer little comfort to a bride dealing with ¨out of town¨ guests, finding out she forgot to pack something, or badly burnt by the tropical sun. If you have ever planned, participated or helped with a wedding, you KNOW that things can get crazy QUICKLY. Imagine that madness... in another country! The day arrives, you have a complete stranger doing your hair (women understand how scary this can be), you also may have a stranger doing your make up. You have a photographer documenting every move. As the day grew closer more and more expenses popped up and even NOW, people are asking for money for random forgotten details. You are nervous, wondering how the guests are doing, wondering how the reception hall is turning out, wondering if the twists in your stomach are a result of the tap water, and you look out the window... and there it is...your worst fear... clouds and then in the distance... thunder. This CAN´T BE HAPPENING! After all the money you paid, after all of the guest flew in, after the horrible sunburn you got the day before! NO! NOT ON MY WEDDING DAY! Everything is set up outside on the beach! This is SUPPOSED to be a tropical island paradise! Key word: tropical. This state of tropicality brings with it a very interesting weather reality. We are used to a super sunny morning and then a sudden deluge, but most people only see the poscard, website and promotional photos of sunny, sandy, blue watered bliss. This Saturday it all happened. I had a tummy twisted, cold footed, nervous wreck of a bride who did not want to leave her room, guests, decorations and sound equipmet that was being drizzled on and a rushing wedding coordinator working on plan ¨B¨. As she zips by me she says ¨You better start praying in tongues ´cause its going to rain!¨ She said it in jest (and nervously). Challenge accepted! I proceeded to do just that! I paced around the ceromony site and started to pray in English, Spanish, Italian and French. The time came, the bride was pushed out of the room (she was really freaked out), the bridal party processed... the ceremony went on, without a hitch! The weather bureau had predicted flash floods... but the only water flowing was from tears of joy! Why do I share this? Sometimes, we think we need out of the ordinary tools, gifts, interventions to accomplish things. I knew exactly what the wedding coordinator ¨meant¨ but I also knew that God is a powerful God, that can do as HE pleases regardless of our capacties or impotence before a situation. I knew Spanish, English, French and Italian, so THAT is what I used... and apparently it made no difference which language we pray in, as long as our requests are in line with His will... it WILL be DONE! So, use what you´ve got... a miracle only requires a miraculous God! Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (NIV)

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